We are just a small, but very dedicated team, which has been going for a long time. We have never tried to be the biggest, just the best.
Because of the experiences with our own pets, we do understand how you feel about your pet and our aim is to make this whole process as stress free as possible for you and for them.
Chris and Fiss live on the premises and the office, workshop and the kennels are a short walk down the path from the cottage - what it is to commute 50 yards to work.
We have 12 kennels for dogs, all of which have underfloor heating and each a covered outside area. We have three large grass runs, where the dogs are exercised during the day. We do like to have your pet here for 3 days before they fly and for which there is no charge. Kennelling for longer periods of time is not a problem and we have had pets here for months at a time.
We have 10 pens for cats, all of which have tubular heaters under the benches and a cat flap to an open area outside.
We like to think they all come to us with their own unique personality and leave with that personality intact - no pet is the same as another. They have names not numbers here. It gives us pleasure, great pleasure, getting to know them and to look after them - and quite often, it has been known for the tears to start when they leave.
This is much more than a job. It is a way of life.
The Team
We are a small team of people who have been working together long enough to know almost what the others are thinking at times!
To take it from the top, we have: